Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I know, I have been such a slacker the past few days with my post. First off today started out a little rough! The moment I changed Maddie Claire this morning and got her all dressed she went to the restroom! Yes, I know this is normal but it was everywhere. I don't think I pulled the diaper up far enough in the back and it got all over her, her blanket, me and almost on the couch. As soon as I got finished cleaning up my sweet little angel I fed her. She then decided to spit up all over her clean clothes, me and my computer. I hate when she spits up. I feel so helpless and it makes me so sad for her. I was afraid my computer had stopped working but miraculously it did not. Needless to say it was a rough morning. So two outfits, two blankets, and many diapers later she is finally asleep in her bed. I was able to lay down for about 30 min. I never sleep well when it is just me and her because every little sound wakes me up. I also like it better when Adam is here with me. The extra set of hands is so nice! It just really makes me thankful for the times he is here!

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